Friday, August 8, 2008


A dear friend from several other blogs, Lorraine, sent me an email earlier in the week to recommend I add a feature to the blog.

I loved her idea, so here you go.

Ask HME is for you. Email me here anytime with your questions about homemaking, crafting, recipes, or anything else and I will try my best to answer.

Lorraine's question....

"Dear Home Made Easy, I really love using linen water on my, uh, linens, but all a sudden it seems no one makes it anymore. (I really loved the lavender water from L'Occitane but last time I went to get some the woman said they weren't distributing it in the US anymore. Bastard French. Anyway, I suppose I could look for it online but I was wondering if you have any recipes for a nice linen water that doesn't smell like distilled weeds (because that's what happened the last time I experimented)."

I have to admit, I don't use a lot of linen water, but my mother swears by the stuff. I asked her about it and she admitted she hasn't bought any in years, so I decided to do a bit of online research to see if I could find a good recipe.

I found the recipe here. Made a batch used it earlier in the week and LOVED it! Thanks Lorraine, I have made another batch and will be taking it to my mom when I visit her later in the month.

The recipe is simple, try it for a great night's sleep.

Lavender Linen Water Recipe

Lavender Linen Water is a special sweet water that is designed to perfume cloths, bedding, or your collection of fine linens. Apply while washing or during the folding process.

Add a splash to the rinse cycle, or sprinkle, spray your linens before or during ironing. Lavender has a soothing, calming effect that will help one sleep peacefully.

Here are the ingredients for making your own:

100 drops (5ml) of Lavender Oil
1½ fluid Oz. (45 ml) Vodka. Use highest proof available.
20 Oz. of Distilled or Still Spring water

Blend/Mix the essential oils with the Vodka in a small glass bowl. Stir well to amalgamate. Pour water into a large glass container/bottle. Add the oil mixture to the water. The linen water may be cloudy. This is normal and will not stain linen. Shake well before use.

And this is Linen Water Home Made Easy.

Send your questions in, I look forward to answering them in future posts.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Whoohoo! And wouldn't you just know that vodka was involved! I'm so excited I'm going to go get all the ingredients right this very second!