I apologize that I haven't been posting very regularly, real-life has gotten in the way. What is always a busy season has become even more so with a crash of the economy and fear of lay-offs after January 1. It is a scary time, not just for me but everyone, however I hope the true story below will help you to remember that even in bad times, the kindness of strangers will win in the long run.
I live in a small quaint neighborhood. Wide tree lined streets, children playing in their front yards, dogs barking, neighbors being neighbors. In many ways it is an idyllic neighborhood.
One of the wonderful features of my neighborhood is a throw-back to my own childhood, the ice cream man. Back in the early spring the ice-cream man began to drive through our neighborhood each afternoon. Carousel style music from his van would fill the air and watching the excitement on the kid's faces is always magical.
The sweet simplicity of the ice-cream man was shattered on Wednesday, December 3rd, when less than a block from his home he was robbed and murdered.
Murdered for the small amounts of cash he had in his vehicle.
In the subsequent days after this senseless murder the carousel music went silent, but the cries of his family and our community have been overwhelming.
I never knew the Ice Cream Man, nor did the majority of our community.... we never knew him by name, we only knew him as a kind man who was working to bring back a simpler time, a time when the ice cream man was greeted by the squeals of children, sadly the senseless murder has also silenced those squeals.
In the days following the murder we learned a lot more about the Ice Cream Man. His name was Fresnel Atilus, a 32 year old, out of work construction worker. Mr. Atilus was a Haitian immigrant who, when he lost his job in construction, began selling ice-cream to support his wife and six-children.
From all accounts, all Mr. Atilus was trying to do was realise the American dream and support his family, a seventh child is on the way.
Although I never knew him, I was and still am heartbroken over Mr. Atilus murder. I didn't sleep the night of his murder, I just couldn't stop thinking about how this man had been gunned down for the money you would find on an ice-cream truck.
When I arose the next morning I decided I could be sad and do nothing, or be sad and do something, but what?
When I got to work, I sat down at my keyboard and began to write. I wrote an email to my friends and business associates, I told them how I never knew Mr. Atilus but how he affected my life. In a simple email I told his story. I asked my friends and associates to send me money, after all Christmas is just around the corner, there is a family with no father, a wife with no husband and six (seven) children who had been robbed of the magic an ice-cream man can make in your life.
I sent my email to about 60 people. Immediately I began to get emails back telling me a check would be in the mail that day. This past Monday, because of the kindness of strangers, I was able to drop off almost $2000 from people who never knew Fresnel Atilus. I am still getting checks. I received checks from people I don't even know, people who were sent the email from friends of theirs.
Many other people have stepped forward to help this family as well. A furniture store brought new mattresses and a dining room table, sadly the family had been sleeping on the floor. Toys and clothes have been donated by people throughout our community and a Fund was set up through a local bank to help the family with financial needs.
As sad as it is to think about someone being murdered for the money found on an ice-cream truck, the light of hope can be found through the kindness of strangers. My small contribution was minimal, but together many small contributions can, and will, make a difference for the family of the Ice-Cream Man, Fresnel Atilus.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
My favorite new product.

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