We are all being hit by the uncertainty of our economy. I know in the last few months, I have had to look at my expenses and spending in ways that I have never had to do in my life.
While costs keep going up I am looking for ways to cut my spending. I am finding that small cuts add up to big savings in the long run. These are all small changes that I am making, nothing that hurts too much, and some that actually give me a feeling of accomplishment when I am finished.
Today I am going to address food, these small changes can make a big difference of hundreds of dollars each month.
Plan Ahead.At the beginning of the month when I am doing my budget, I allocate a weekly food allowance. I am using the envelope system for food, I give myself a dollar amount at the beginning of each week, that cash goes into an envelope
marked "FOOD". This envelope can't be used for anything else.... and no additional cash may be added to it.

Using the envelope system has forced me to plan ahead when preparing for the week.
My week's schedule is never the same. Some night's it makes sense for me to plan on cooking and eating dinner at home, other times I know I will not be able to do it. Same with work, there are some days that make sense for me to take leftovers for lunch because it fits my schedule, other days I know I am going to have to run out and pick something up, it is all in the planning.
If you plan ahead with your weekly calendar, the schedule seems to work out and the more you do it, the easier it gets to make everything fit. Living alone makes it easier for me than some, I can make some meals (roast, turkey breast etc.) last all week which is a great cost saver and can be used in a variety of different ways which eliminates redundancy in choice.
Add to the envelope.
Just because you allocate yourself a certain amount of $ each week doesn't mean you can't add to it! When I am preparing my weekly shopping list I have gotten really good at checking the sales papers and
couponing. I usually do my weekly shopping on Sunday, this gives me time to check the Sunday paper for coupons, check my
Internet sites for special offers and check the weekly sales sheet from my grocer.
By the time I get to the grocery, I usually add 5 - 10 dollars in savings or coupons. In all honesty I used to look down on people who coupon, but let me tell you, IT WORKS! Now that I have started, I get a sense of excitement when I am able to use what I clip, the savings make a difference.
Store Brands
Buy store brands whenever possible. Now, there are some brands that I am not willing to compromise on, but most you can't tell a difference in, so try the store brand and see how you like it.
Make a List
DO NOT go to the grocery without a list.... EVER! Grocery shopping without a list is the kiss of death to saving money. Write out a list and stick to it! I realize sticking to the list is difficult,
especially when you have to walk by all those great cookies and chips. So, IF AND ONLY IF, I don't have any
toiletries items to purchase I allow myself $3 to spend on something special, choosing my treat is always fun and feels rewarding in the overall scheme of saving money.
Be smart about how you cook
Crock pot, grill, microwave, and toaster oven cooking is always better than using the stove. When planning your meals, work towards combination cooking, if you can grill it, GRILL IT. If you can put it in the crock pot, do it! Combination cooking saves time, saves energy and gives you more opportunities for menu variety.
This week's menu
Sunday:Breakfast: Cereal and Toast at home
Lunch: Watermelon
Dinner: I have Bible Study at 5 and we all bring our dinner, so I will stop on the way and grab a sandwich.
Monday:Breakfast: Cereal and Toast at home
Lunch: We had a new restaurant open on property last week and I have a free lunch card....
WOOHOO, Monday's lunch is free!
Dinner: I will have time to cook because I get home Monday without having to work late. Bottom Round Roast is on sale this week. I will put the roast in my crock pot on Monday morning before I leave for work and include carrots,
potatoes, and onion.
Tuesday:Breakfast: Cereal and Toast at home
Lunch: Leftover Roast beef,
potatoes, carrots and onions
Dinner: Salad, Vegetables and Toast
Wednesday:Breakfast: Cereal and Toast at home
Lunch: Roast Beef Sandwich with chips and cookies (I buy the individual small packs)
Dinner: I have
Pilate's and my personal finance class after work, I won't get home until late, so I will pack watermelon chunks for dinner.
Thursday:Breakfast: Cereal and toast at home
Lunch: Watermelon chunks and homemade trail mix
Dinner: I have a meeting after work and won't arrive home until after 7:30. I will eat a roast beef sandwich
Friday:Breakfast: Cereal and toast at home
Lunch: Lunch meeting and I was the one invited, so today lunch is free!
Dinner: Vegetable Soup (I canned some vegetable soup mix over the summer, I will warm that along with the remnants of the roast beef, this will be good for the weekend.)
Saturday:Breakfast: Watermelon
Lunch: I am working at my part time job on Saturday, which includes free lunch!
Dinner: Vegetable Soup
I hope this helps you all with your planning and gives you some cost saving tips. Over the next few posts, I will share savings tips on other household plans and hope you will send in your tips also.

The economy may be in the tank and it looks like there is no end in site, but there are always ways to save and make your life Home Made Easy!
I just returned from the grocery, I bought all the items needed for the week's menu, plus TP and Paper Towels.
Total spent: $47.01
Total savings: $9.26
Woohoo, I stayed under budget and got several Buy One Get One Free Items which will go into next week as well!!!!!!!!!